Ikenna Nometa


I am a fourth-year mathematics Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Mathematics, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, advised by Dr. Elizabeth Gross

I will be graduating in May 2025 and am actively seeking job opportunities, particularly postdoctoral research positions.

My research interest lies broadly in Algebraic Statistics. Recently, my research projects have included algebraic approaches to optimization and estimation problems arising in statistics, and phylogenetics (networks and mixture models).

Furthermore, my background includes research experience in mathematical epidemiology, and I have recently developed a keen interest in application of data science to the healthcare sector. 

I obtained my undergraduate degree in mathematics from the Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria, and completed my master's degree in mathematics in 2021 at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa.

I am a big fan of football; the real football, soccer!

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Featured Quote

"You know, mathematics is beautifully ordered, and sensible, and logical. And linear algebra is not too difficult. But still, you can't rush. You have to sort of see the idea a few times. First maybe on the board as symbols. But not everybody picks up on symbols. Then you say, 'What does it mean?' And then finally you say, 'Why is it true?'"

-Gilbert Strang.

My CV can be accessed here.