Volunteering and Service
Co-organizer: Fall 2024 ICERM graduate students and postdocs seminar Sept. - Dec. 2024 (ICERM, Brown University)
Co-organizer: Graduate Seminar on Algebraic Phylogenetics Spring 2024 (UH Mānoa)
Organizer: Graduate Seminar on Convex Optimization Spring 2023 (UH Mānoa)
Local Organizing Team Member: 2022 Algebraic Statistics Conference May 15 - 21, 2022 (UH Mānoa)
Co-organizer: CodeBusters Event of the Hawai'i State Science Olympiad 2022,2023,2024
Volunteer: Be a Scientist Night (a community outreach program aimed at engaging grade school children in math and science)
Others are listed below with images.
Kuloa'a project at KCC
Volunteer: Spring 2022 Semester
Assisted a professor to implement culturally sustaining andragogy in Math 115 (Statistics) online class
AMS Student Chapter (UHManoa)
Vice President, 2020/2021 academic year
Assisted in organizing talks, outreaches, social events, etc.
International Graduate Student Conference
East-West Center, Honolulu Hawai`i
Feb. 17 - 20, 2022
Volunteer: Event Zoom Tech. Support
2021 Honolulu District Science & Engineering Fair (Virtual)
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Volunteer: Judge (Senior Division)
FUTO Study Abroad Webinar for Mathematics Students
Aug. 25, 2021
Event Co-organizer and Panelist
Zoom Tech. Support
International Graduate Student Conference
East-West Center, Honolulu Hawai`i
Feb. 11 - 13, 2021
Volunteer: Event Zoom IT Support
Graduate Student Organisation
(GSO, UHManoa)
(GSO, UHManoa)
Member: 3-man election committee
Spring 2020
Assisted in setting up and conducting the first virtual GSO election
Assisted in communicating with current executive committee and member students on election relevant information
The Exchange
East-West Center Education Event
East-West Center Education Event
Weekly: Jan. 27 - Mar. 30, 2020
Student Volunteer
Hosted (moderated) some group sessions
Videography support student
Hawai`i Math Circle (Summer 2020)
Volunteer: Graduate Student mentor
Moderated individual sessions
Organizer: Taylor Venenciano, Pamona College
1147th AMS Joint Sectional Meeting
Spring Central and Western Joint Sectional Meeting; University of Hawai`i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI
Gradute Student Voluteer
Assisted the AMS event organizing team to respond to on-site inquiries, distribute event packages, restock writing supplies in event halls, etc
March 22-24, 2019
Honolulu, Hawai'i
October 31 - November 2, 2019
Graduate Student Volunteer for UHMānoa (who sponsored my attendance)
Assisted in giving a departmental tour to a group of attendants interested in applying to UHMānoa's graduate programs